Learning Center

The First Step to a Better You


  [You can view my original article at EzineArticles.com ] Going under the assumption that we all have room for improvement… how would you describe a better, happier version of yourself? Or better yet try to visualize what a ‘better you’ would look and sound like. Would you speak a little softer and be a [...]

The First Step to a Better You2014-01-20T17:08:31+00:00

A Proven Plan for Better Health


Whether you are a New Year Resolutioner (not a real word) or not, the start of a new year is still the most logical time to hit the reset button and commit to changes for the better in your life. For most people there is a desire to make some change that will improve their [...]

A Proven Plan for Better Health2013-12-16T19:57:28+00:00

Take a Break this Holiday Season


As we slowly pull away from Thanksgiving and quickly sail towards the New Year this holiday season, life can definitely get a little hectic and stressful. Despite all the hustle and bustle, the holiday season is still a great time to not only reflect on how blessed we are in life but also a perfect [...]

Take a Break this Holiday Season2013-12-06T09:01:28+00:00
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