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If You Are Not Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle You Are Choosing Illness


We've all heard that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (actually I'm not even sure that is how the saying goes but it's close - and it's true!).   As a chiropractor with more than 18 years of experience, it's safe to say I have seen people that were in good [...]

If You Are Not Choosing a Healthy Lifestyle You Are Choosing Illness2014-05-13T17:39:01+00:00

Wanna Get Healthy?… You Gotta Take the ‘Stairs’


When it comes to getting healthy... there's no fast track. Just like a dentist tightens the wires occasionally on your braces so that the teeth will slowly align into a beautiful smile... ...and just as your chiropractor will repetitively realign your spinal bones until they begin to hold,you MUST give your body time to adapt [...]

Wanna Get Healthy?… You Gotta Take the ‘Stairs’2014-04-02T12:48:57+00:00

Getting Older Doesn’t Mean Getting Sedentary


I know I know... some of you that read the title of this post immediately said to yourself "Yeah, well my arthritis keeps me from being active" or something along those lines. I realize that not everyone has the same genetics, some people have past injuries, etc. I get all that. BUT let me say [...]

Getting Older Doesn’t Mean Getting Sedentary2014-02-12T14:17:31+00:00
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